Romeo & Juliet Cast List

The cast has been chosen for Romeo and Juliet. They are already in production preparing a rousing, and yet sensitive, portrayal of love gone wrong and right and wrong and right and (well, you get the picture.)

Shakespeare’s classic tale of romance gone tragically wrong has been given a thorough but respectful adaptation for this production, rendering the Bard’s philosophical musings, witty repartee, passionate poetry and bawdy humor fresh and accessible for a modern audience.

Romeo and Juliet will be played by Zach Gibb and Julie Cox. The Capulets and Montagues will be played by Dale Miller and Laura Gibb, Gary Pickard and Amy Juker, along with Jake Wolf-Jensen, Brian Wolf-Jensen and Amanda Betchy. They will have the ear and support of their confidants and attendants: Judy Kerkoff, Andy Affleck, Alex Cerullo, Katie Lewis, Jake Farnum, Jon Howe, and Sarina Resnik. The Town of Verona will be brought to life by Meryn Flynn, Zach Farnum, Janice Dionne, Chase Lurgio, Dacia Cruz, Emily Carter, Sandy Arnold, and Julia Arnold. Providing narration and commentary on all the comings and goings will be the one-person Chorus, Leah Fidler.

All of them will be under the direction of Chris Brostrup-Jensen with the assistance of Fight Choreographer Frank Perrin and Dance Choreographer Annette Hebard.

Performances are scheduled for November 11, 12, 13 and 18, 19, 20.

One thought on “Romeo & Juliet Cast List

  1. H Swamp Meadow,
    It has been a while since my daughter Shania and my family have been involved in your productions. We would like to be involved again and possibly get Shania into some workshops too. If someone could email me or call me concerning this as we have not gotten any emails in quite some time and do not know who to contact currently it would be greatly appreciated.

    Cynthia Renaud
    email hidden; JavaScript is required
    (401) 862-0723 or (401) 823-8417

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