SMCT Carolers’ 2015 schedule

SMCT Carolers are moving into modern times for at least part of the 2015 season, thanks in large part to our participation in this year’s production of A Christmas Carol 2015 on December 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20.

We will still be singing at our traditional venues and adding a few new venues, however, we will mostly dress like the modern celebrants that we are, this year.

  • Christmas in the Valley on November 29 at 1 pm at the Foster Country Club
  • The North Scituate Village Candlelight Stroll on December 4, from 5 to 9 pm.
  • The Purple Cat in Chepachet, RI on December 10 & 12
  • Courthouse Center for the Arts in West Kingston, RI on December 19 at 1 pm

If you want to catch the Victorian version you are used to seeing, plan on catching the Victorian Caroler Quartet (Kim Barrette, soprano – Heather Hopkins, alto – Walt Galloway, bass & Steve Goulet, Sr., tenor). They will be performing at:

  • Blackstone River Theater Holiday Craft Fair in Cumberland, RI, Saturday, December 5, 12:00-12:30 pm or 12:30-1:00 pm;
  • Blackstone River Theater Annual Christmas Celebration, Saturday, December 12, 8:00 pm, and Sunday, December 13, 7:00 pm.

Please feel free to come sing along with us, as we raise our voices and spirits in the time honored caroling tradition meant to push back the dark of the year.

Seven Wives for Dracula

Dracula wreaks havoc in a sanatorium, bringing confusion and a love of polygamy with him. Your favorite Halloween characters come to life in the hilarious 30-minute comedy Seven Wives for Dracula by playwright Tim Kelly. Join Swamp Meadow on October 23, 2015 at either of two showings: 6:15 pm or 8:00 pm.

Stay late or come early in-between shows for Halloween-themed tricks and treats! Any one arriving in costume receives a free bag of candy and is welcome to join in a costume contest, judged by the team here at Swamp Meadow. Prizes for Most Original, Cutest, Best All Around, and Funniest. Don’t miss out! Take a night out to enjoy this fun-filled family event the community has been missing!

SMCT’s annual Halloween event and Seven Wives for Dracula will be performed at Captain Isaac Paine School in Foster, RI, on Friday October 23rd, 6:15 pm or 8:00 pm. Tickets just $5/each. Purchase your tickets in advance – space is limited!


Mrs. Half-Nelson: Meryn Flynn
Miss Hearse: Maia Grandy
Renfield: Mark Carter
Dr. Seward: Bob Hollis
Lily: Gabby Dworkin
The Odd Sisters: Michelle Chretien, Emily Chretien
Jonathan: Jake Eldrige
Lucy: Chloe Anderson-Boss
Van Helsing: Chris Brostrup-Jensen
Dracula: Dennis Chretien
Countess: Nikki Boss
Wolf-Creature/Bat: James Boss

We are looking for a few people to help out that night, for the following positions: manage backstage and props, concession sales and donations, box office, costume contest judges, and a few generous folks to help set up before the show and break down after. Let us know if you can help in any avenue! Stay and see the show in exchange for volunteering your time! Can you volunteer anything to help make this event even more spectacular? A raffle item, face painting, fortune telling, balloon animals, anything! Let us know! Send any questions to email hidden; JavaScript is required

Reserve now!

Foster Follies 2015 Auditions [extended]

Calling all performers! We look forward to another night of great entertainment by local talent. Join us for our annual Foster Follies on Friday, April 10, 2015 at 7pm, at Foster Country Club.

If you sing, dance, do magic, tell jokes or have any other family-friendly talent, come audition and earn a spot in our show.

Auditions will be held at the Eddy Building, Howard Hill Road, Foster, on January 23 (7-9pm) and January 24 (1-4pm).


The Auditions Committee for Foster Follies enjoyed many fine acts during our auditions on Friday, January 23 and Saturday, January 24. We will announce the names of these acts in upcoming communications.

Given Saturday’s weather, we know that there are some who were unable to audition and we are pleased to announce that there are still a few slots available for performers. We welcome any acts, but we’d really like to increase the “variety” in our “variety” show. Comedians, skits, groups, instrumentals, or other family-friendly acts will complement our roster that includes many talented young singers. So, no matter what you do, we’d love to hear from you.

We will accept video auditions through Saturday, February 7 at 11:59 pm. We ask that you upload to a YouTube channel that you create and then email the link to us. If you cannot do this, then contact us via email for more information. Please use this email address for questions and for the link to your video: email hidden; JavaScript is required (NOTE: An earlier version said that the email was email hidden; JavaScript is required. This is incorrect. The correct email is email hidden; JavaScript is required.)

Good luck, and save April 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm for a great night of entertainment at the Foster Country Club for SMCT’s Foster Follies.

Foster Idol 2014

The Foster Idol at Old Home Days is ready for another entertaining weekend of great music and heartfelt presentations! Rockers, ballad singers, crooners, and hopeful pop icons will all compete for the honor of bearing the title of Foster Idol 2014!

This year’s competitors will be announced after the auditions (more info).

Admission is free ($5 admission to the Fair)
Foster Fairgrounds
July 25 (9pm-11pm) July 26 (5pm-7pm) July 27 (4pm-5pm)

Foster Follies 2014

Follies flyer

Foster Follies is Swamp Meadow’s annual spring fundraiser. This popular event features local talent including comedy skits, singing, and more.

This year’s schedule includes:

6:30 – Grandyllusion Dinner Music
7:00 – Show begins w/1st set
1. Emily Carter (soloist)
2. Tori Craig (soloist)
3. Tristan and Mary Arnold (duo)
4. Cabaret Players (skit)
5. Emma Capron (soloist)
6. Casside Ross (soloist w/ukelele)
7. Julia Arnold & Stephanie Bell (duo)
8. Ray Cooke (soloist)
9. Gabrielle Dworkin (monologue)
10. Hannah Gibb, Madeline & Taylor Axtmann (trio)
11. LaDelle Arnold (soloist)
12. Samantha Baril (soloist)
13. Millie Dubois and Meryn Flynn (skit)
14. Rachel Stevens (soloist)
8:30 – 2nd SET
1. Grandyllusion (band)
2. Preston & LaDelle Arnold (duo)
3. Stephanie Bell (soloist)
4. Irish Step Dancers
5. Meryn Flynn (soloist)
6. Hannah Gibb (soloist w/guitar)
7. Justine Durvin & Cate Bartlett (duo)
8. Mary Arnold (soloist)
9:10 – Grandyllusion Dance Music

Masters of Ceremony: Gabrielle Dworkin & Bob Hollis

Come on out and join the fun on Friday, April 4, 2014 at 7 pm at the Foster Country Club.

Admission: adult/$15, student/senior/$10, family/$50 max. Reserve now!

For more info, contact Laurie Murphy at email hidden; JavaScript is required.