Annual Celebration

This event used to be called the Annual Meeting, but it is now too much fun to call it a meeting! THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION HAS BEEN BORN!

The evening will include

  • a Pot Luck Supper (bring a dish to share)
  • Karaoke and Dancing (with Fun2KnowMusic!)
  • a look backward in celebration of the past 10 years
  • a look forward in excitement for the coming season
  • a look inward to see how you and I can best use our talents to serve SMCT
  • and more singing and dancing with Fun2KnowMusic!

SCHEDULE – June 11, 2012 at the Captain Isaac Paine School

6:00 – Supper
6:30 – Supper continues, Fun2KnowMusic Begins
7:00 – A Look Back, A Celebration of Now, A Look Forward
8:00 – More Fun and Dancing!

Lifecycle of a Show meeting

In this meeting, we will identify everything that needs to be done in order to put on a show, schedule those tasks and assign them to make sure they get done on time. The goal is to make the process smoother, spread the workload, and ease tension.

The meeting will take place at the Dubois household on Friday, May 25, 2012 @ 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome. Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required with any questions.

Board Meeting Minutes – 8/27/2011

SMCT Board Meeting

August 27, 2011 – Eddy

Bob Hollis, Jayne Lear, Laura Giorgianni, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Kaila Rubin,  Artie Robillard, Liz & Eric Dubois, Zach Farnum, Laurie Murphy, Dennis & Mary Jo Chretien, Carol Mauro, Janice Dionne, Carol Goulet, Andy Affleck, Audrey, Emily & Evelyn Dubois, Jake Farnum, Ruth, Sarah, Alice & Hazel Lear, Emily & Michelle Chretien.

Minutes of the June 2011 meeting are on-line at & were sent via email.

SMCT, Inc has a new Box Office phone number.   1-888-493-7110.      Dennis C. gave an over view of how the system works, as there will be some lines designated to specific people/functions & some that will change with each show.  Directors should get in touch with  Dennis for help to set up the  message for their show.    For example, during Mr. Toad, Michelle read a message as his Housekeeper.  Messages are forwarded via email to the assigned individual associated with the specific line.  May be able to use it to leave internal messages, such as ‘Rehearsals are cancelled’.
The system was explored & somewhat demonstrated during the meeting.    Chris will script a message for a cast member of Romeo & Juliet to read for the phone line.

The SMCT  Internet  calendar is available on-line & can be linked to your own browser.  May be possible to also use this to notify of rehearsal cancelations, etc.  About half the board currently has the
ability to edit the calendar.  Zach & Jayne will be the primary data contact points to get info. entered.  Eric will send an email explaining how to sign up & update it, etc.   May need someone designated from each production to take this on.

Emails are currently going to Chris when anyone sends to email hidden; JavaScript is required.  We should ask for permission before adding  anyone to our database/email lists.

Financial – Laura G.

Ann V. sent Carol info about T-bonds, but they require a 5 year lock-in & only start getting interest after one year.   We are not currently at a point where we feel this would be good for us.  The bank  also offered a very low rate with a lock-in which we are not currently ready to do.

United Way -Chris

Not really interested in adding us to their list.  Anyone can fill out their pay roll deduction card & list us, because we are a 501c3, but they would also take a cut.

SMCT Store – Carol M.

Linda Resnick is interested.  Still not linked to any inventory.  Payments through PayPal to SMCT.  Can’t hook directly to another proprietor (such as Mary Jo).    Separate Meeting needed to look into options, figure out a budget for inventory & move this along.   Should include;  Mary Jo, Linda R., Laura G., Bob H., Liz D.

Seasonal Playbill – Did get 8 annual adv’s, but we are pushing the date  up to try & get it going again for Jan.  2012.  Need to target people who usually adv anyway.  Janice D. will help get a letter written to be mailed out.  Stacey Swift, Marilyn Wilbur, Gary Picard are all interested & this group should have a meeting soon to start the process.

Discussed making a donation from SMCT to the Coventry Senior Center.   Reviewed roughly where we stood after Mr. Toad, but not all bills are paid yet, so it isn’t exact.  Motion made & seconded to donate $250 to the Senior Center.

Youth Group made approx. $107 in concessions from their Rapunzel -like production.  Goes back into their savings.

Membership – Zach

Rec’d 1 response for the Box Office Coordinator, but it didn’t pan out.  Need someone to help on an on-going basis, although, they could have different individuals designated for different shows.  Leslie Carter may have some input after they settle into their new home.

Zach sent some leads for Grants to Bob, but the timing was wrong.  They looked great & if we can catch them before the deadline, maybe we can get access at some point in the future.   The one from The National Endowment for the Arts may not be available next year.  We need to spend more time searching for these to make requests in a timely fashion.  We can resubmit to CAST for a grant in Sept or Oct 2011.  There is a Legislative website that lists a good number of possible grants. rec’d one for approx. $1000.  Zach will check out the website.  We would use the money to reimburse local facilities for letting us use their  space at this point.

Producers Needed:  We lost Laura G. as a producer when she became our Financial Director.   We are starting to separate out the Stage Manager from the Producer & this is making it easier on the producer, but we may need to train some folks to be a ‘Project Manager’ for  future  productions.  Need to be sure the role is defined & perhaps form a team of 6-10 people to learn the requirements & work together & to be available when needed (sometimes as individuals or sometimes as teams).  Probably  easier to have an Assistant Producer or Internship.  Andy will work on coming up with an Education plan ( list of ideas for teaching this topic).

Volunteers are still being sought for many different activities.  Possible sources to contact include; RYDD (RI Youth against Dangerous Driving), High Schools (we have to register with the Guidance Dept’s).

Creative Meeting – Liz D.

Romeo & Juliet rehearsals are  in full swing, but the venue is still unknown.   This is causing headaches for the Director & production in general,  as sets are hard to plan when  the possible space could change.  Hoping to hear in 2 weeks if the school is available.  School Committee usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month & they haven’t handed out request forms yet.

Get Merry  location is also yet to be determined, but rehearsals should be starting soon.

Dinner Theater possibly the 1st weekend of March 2012.   Hopefully at the Fire Station, “Twain’s Tales” planned.  South Foster Fire Station is not available in Feb.  If we try for the Senior Center is  BYOB allowed?  Would we need to do performance in both spaces?   Bob H. & Dennis C. are planning a cast of 5-6, Sat/Sun.  Could be Feb. 11, 12th 2012,  if at the Senior Center.  Maybe Sat., March 3rd at the Fire Station, also.

Karaoke, mid-March?

Follies – end of March.

Canterbury Tales – end of April, early May?   Auditions are expected to be at North Foster Baptist Church on a Friday night & Sat/Sun afternoon.
Harrisville Theater uses weekend auditions.  Trying to avoid conflicts such as Alice & Fantastic’s as the money raised by one can be severely affected.

Be sure to contact Artie about any events/activities so he knows who is coordinating the Building catchment & rehearsal schedules.

Knock’em Dead – Dinner Theater for the spring/June 2012.  Bob & Dennis.

Willie Wonka – Summer 2012.  Zach F. & a Big Team.

10 Year Anniversary  should be approx. 2013.

FACILITIES – most places that charge us would mean an increase of $5/ticket to cover the costs.

Fall 2012

Oct/Nov –

Dec. – Christmas Story or It’s a Wonderful Life (25 people)

Holiday 2012 (not Get Merry…  Dinner Theater, instead)

The plan is to do one big show & one small show, or 2 smaller shows.  Trying not to create too much overlap of people.  Maybe use one set of dates for auditions.  Run 2 rooms with auditions
going on for 2 different shows at the same time.

NEXT Creative Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 1st.   New plays form created for suggestions.

Feedback for Mr. Toad was received at the Cast Party.   Worked well.

Creating a book of expectations for people’s behavior.   Hope to have it ready for Canterbury Tales.  Should be available as a PDF & on the Web.

Andy A. attended a ‘One-Forty Conference’  & suggests we look into live streaming  shows.  Social Media promotion has some financial possibilities.  Rachel  Theater near Woodstock, NY is a Regional Theater that has had 50,000 viewers  using a high speed connection via Facebook/You Tube.  Additional info needed.  1) Need rights to the show.  2) Need Cox or other Cable access with high-speed
capacity to come video-tape & donate broadband access.  3) “If you like this show send us money” vs. use PayPal to sign in & watch the show options need to be discussed.  Andy will try & test this out for Romeo & Juliet.   No worries about copyright issues.

Romeo & Juliet needs:

1) Sound person.   2) Prop (Foley) person.  3) Costume consultant; need to be sure the look is consistent & low cost.    4) BACK STAGE MANAGER needed SOON!   Lauren Capron has volunteered for lights or sound & Michelle C. has volunteered for lights.

Youth Rep’s (opening). –  Expected to gather & present youth perspective to the Board.  Keep the youth involved in SMCT.  If Youth wanted to elect a specific leader they would be able to choose one of the Youth Reps, as needed.

Emily Chretien & Audrey Dubois presented their  views on how to handle this position.  Both did an excellent job & SMCT now has 2 new Youth Rep’s.  Congratulations!

Victorian Carolers –  Time to get them started again for the season.  Kim Brayton has stated she would be willing to be Musical Director again.  Kaila R. & Laurie M. will start the process.

Publicity –

Problems with the new phone number appear to have been fixed.  Motif Magazine ad for Romeo & Juliet must be sent soon.  2 editions/month.  To get into the Nov. 3rd edition, need the ad in by Oct. 27th, or Nov. 10th for the 2nd edition of the month (too late for the show?).  Should try to get them to come to a dress rehearsal before then, & need to plan the timing on this.   Opinions on when?

Kiddoinfo is a free site for advertising for children.   Artie has tried Parent magazines in the past.

During Toad we tried using a Feedback form to see how people had heard about us.  Maybe we should add a request for their zip code to get an idea of where they came from?
#1 answer is word of mouth (friends/family).  20 answered advertisements (fairly evenly distributed between different papers).   Perhaps push more towards free ad’s (craigslist, Facebook, etc.).
Need to let people know when shows are not just for kids or if they are not appropriate, what are the limitations!!!

SMCT Board Meeting – July 16, 2011

Present: Carol Mauro, Bob Hollis, Dennis, Mary Jo, Emily & Michelle Chretien, Artie Robillard, Laura Giorgianni, Jake & Zach Farnum, Steve & Leslie Carter, Andy Affleck, Jake & Brian Wolf-Jensen, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Kaila Rubin

Quorum vs. Working caucus;  With 11 Board members we must have 7.66 board members at a meeting to make a Quorum.  With fewer we have only a working caucus & can’t vote.  4 members were not present & a separate voting meeting was suggested for 7/21 @ Woody Lowden @ 7:30 PM.   Issues needing a vote include, 1) Appoint Jayne Lear as Asst. Executive Director.  2) Change names on all bank accounts to Laura G. {Finance Director}.  3) Close current credit card & reopen as SwampMeadow Community Theatre, Inc.

Chris B-J will remain the co-signor.  He, Laura G. & Lori Vincent will need to go to the bank together to sign paperwork for changes.  Will need to check & see if this can be done at any branch or only the one the acct was opened in.  Bob states he will act as courier to get receipts, cash, bills, checks, whatever to Laura as needed.  Laura will try to be available to collect when possible.   Laura will look into alternative Investment or Savings ideas for SMCT funds.  SMCT letter head approved.  Chris will look into getting SMCT on the United Way listing for employee contributions.  Grants Coordinator still needed.

SMCT season starts June 1st of each year (not July 1st).

Will start Jan 1st (2012) to have annual playbill ready to go & discount ad’s until the next full year starts for seasonal purchases.  Too late this year.  Will see what kinds of ad’s we get for the summer vs. seasonal decision.  Artie will make the decision about the Playbill covers if Directors don’t get him what they want in time for him to place an order.  Linda Resnick has volunteered to work on getting our SMCT store up & running.

New Box Office Phone Number:  Line 2 option allows call in, leave message in appropriate box (Line 1 for Toad, Line 2 for Golf Tournament, for instance).  A person could be assigned to check for phone or website messages for example.  Not easy to get a human.  Approx. $16.95/mo, includes the phone number.  Need to update messages.  Will need to vote.


Facilities:   Corner of Rte 6/94 is having trouble getting funding.  Are we still interested?  Things Made Wonderful has closed.  Bob H. has the name & address of the owners (ACD Business) & is trying to make contact.  Different people live behind it.

Sept. & beyond..  Where will we be for Romeo & Juliet?  Still don’t know.  School Board has not responded.  We seem to be viewed as a good organization that takes up too much of their time.  Could we use as rehearsal space, except on Mondays?  Former Coventry Middle School on Flat River Rd wants $25/hour to use their space (per Town Manager).  May need to appeal to their elected counsel.  A non-profit brings something to the community.  If the Senior Center moves there & brings us with, we may end up using the space for free.

Technology:  Steve Carter needs a distribution list for the Technology Group (current members will be Dennis C., Artie R., Eric D., Chris B-J., Kaila R., Andy A.).  Kaila will send him these email addresses & send out a general email to see if anyone else is interested in this group.  Annual budget of $8000.  Need a new Sound/Audio Board & a laptop.  Steve wants to run decisions by the committee about when to buy for long-term vs. less expensive short-term items.   Database: need to map out levels of access for different positions {individuals}.  Can do text emails/color fonts, but not HTML.  Costs around $50 for one person to have an HTML attachment & probably more to add others.  Many people can be signed up to use the Database, but only licensed to have 10 people actively using it at any one time.  Current list includes Bob H., Carol M., Dennis C., Zach F., Kaila R., Liz & Eric D., & Jayne Lear needs to be added.  Bob, Dennis & Zach will meet to discuss levels of access.   Website: Eric is working to get a calendar set up for viewing or to be linked with your own Outlook or other web calendar.

Zach F. will try to find a Box Office Coordinator, Sales/Corp Sponsor, Fund-raising, Grants, Newsletter/Brochure Coordinators by Jan. 1, 2012.  Also, need Producers.  Leslie Carter has volunteered to run Box Office for Mr. Toad.  Someone may have indicated an interest in Grant-writing on a Mr. Toad volunteer sign-up sheet.

Hope to have SMCT Board members at Old Home Days as good neighbors.

Bob H. asks for 2 changes to current SMCT by-laws.

1) Current by-laws state a minimum of 5 Board members & maximum of 9 members.  Bob would like the max. raised to 15.  We currently have 13.

2) President & Vice-President are three year terms & Bob asks to have the Creative Director also made a 3 year term to run at the same time.  Would like to see them form a unified Team.

Point of order raised as the current by-laws say a max. of 9 members therefore, we have a quorum here today & can vote rather than meeting on July 21st.  Discussion & this seemed correct.  Vote taken & Jayne L. appointed Vice President.  Vote taken & changes are to be made on the names on bank accounts.  Vote taken to have Dennis C. set-up Line 2 option, if under $20/month (estimated at $149.50/year).  Vote taken to allow Laura to open an SMCT, Inc. credit card.  Vote taken to allow by-law change to minimum of 5 & maximum of 15 to take effect on 7/17/2011.   More discussion needed on the change of term lengths.

Toad progressing well.  Aug. 6th is moving day.  Need set-painting & organizer.   Old Home Days needs volunteers for Booth.  Raffle tickets need to be sold.  Zach will send an email.  Bob will send an email for help to set-up on 7/25 from 4 PM until ?  Need a tarp to cover our booth.  Do we need a permit to hand a banner?

Fund-raising meeting on 7/21 at Laurie Murphy’s house, 4 PM.

Youth Report:  Julia Arnold will be a Junior in H.S. this year & needs to resign as Youth Rep.  Jake Farnum continuing.  Ages for Reps vs. Leaders?  Min. = 12.  The committee could choose the leaders.  Need one male & one female mentor to be at each meeting.  Currently Laurie Murphy & Andy Affleck  are mentors.  A meeting is needed to set criteria for spending  Youth money.  $740 is budgeted & they should be able to earn $480 selling candy at rehearsals, etc.  Must budget the money spent.  Ideas sought for education/training with youth.  Contact Andy with your ideas.  Suggestions include Hogwarts School for Theater, Improv group, Scenes group.  Need anyone interested in being a Youth Rep. to come to the next meeting & present their reasons for wanting to fill this opening.

10 Year celebration;  SMCT started in Sept. 2002, but first production was in Jan. 2003.  Five Year celebration was held in Jan. 2008 & 10 year may be in Jan. 2013.

Can’t meet on the third Sat. in Aug. as Mr. Toad will be in production & 2 shows scheduled.  Meeting will be on Aug. 27th, instead.


June 2011 Minutes

JUNE 11, 2011 SMCT Annual Meeting & Celebration

Woody Lowden Center

Present:  Bob Hollis, Carol Mauro, Laurie Murphy, Zach & Jake Farnum, Eric, Liz, Audrey, Evelyn & Emily Dubois, Chris,  Pam & Zach Morelli, Ann Valentine, Leslie & Emily Carter, AnaCapri Mauro, Chase Lurgio, Preston, Ladelle, Mary & Tristan Arnold, Dennis, Mary Jo, Emily & Michelle Chretien, Jonathan & Mark Safford, Sandy, Heather & Julia Arnold, Laura & Isabella Giorgianni, Marilyn & Ken Wilbur, Janice Dionne, Artie Robillard, Jayne, Chris, Ruth, Sarah, Alice & Hazel Lear, Melodie & Elijah Fontenault, Mary Jehu.  If I missed anyone, I apologize.

Opened with everyone sharing something they enjoyed this year.

Congratulations to Meryn Flynn for being our first Motif Magazine Theater Award winner for her role in Footloose this Spring.  Discussed having  SMCT awards, but haven’t figured out how to offer them without hurting the feelings of anyone who doesn’t get one.  Bob H. stated that if there was a Founders Award it would go to someone who helped SMCT move forward the most in a year & he would give it to Carol Mauro this year for everything she’s done as she steps done  as our Financial Director.

Financial Report for Fiscal Year  6/1/2010 – May 31, 2011 submitted.  Highlights included $1690 from Workshop income, Karaoke brought in $595, but it is felt that more advertising might help it raise more money & proposed that it might earn $900 for next fiscal year.  Line of Credit (LOC) established with a secured loan of $6500 & we still owe $1000.  Technology/Capital Improvements totaled $13,952 spread out over production & administration budgets.  Included 4 Two-way Headsets with base station, 4 floor mic’s, new lights & speakers, speaker stands, heavy load extension cords, auction items, & 5 new wireless mic’s with 4 receivers.  For the future these costs will go under the Admin budget.  Production budgets will have a small tech operating budget for ancillary needs.

We may want to look into alternative investment for the Savings acct.  Currently get  .05% interest rate on savings.  CIPS was paid $1304 for their cut of our admissions (except for Footloose which wasn’t held at the Paine School).  The donation bridge brought in $732 for 3 shows.  Need to discuss using donations vs. raising ticket prices to cover this cost, although, increasing ticket cost will also increase amount paid to the school.  Complete Financial Reports can be requested from Board members.  mms to accept budget report.

Reorganization & Nominations:

Cassi Ducharme headed the effort to help clarify who to go to & what steps to take if you need to contact someone in the SMCT family.  Should be three clear contacts to start;  1) External concerns should go through the President (Executive Director).  2) Internal concerns should go through the Vice President (Asst Executive Director).  3) Concerns about SMCT activities should go through the Creative Director.    SMCT’s Board consists of 13 members grouped into 4 Officers (President, Vice President, Financial Director & Secretary) & 9 Directors (Creative Director, Director of Public Relations, Dir. of Facilities, Dir. of Membership,  3 Asst. Creative Directors  (Events, Productions, & Education) & 2 At-Large Directors.  Each meeting will need 2/3’s of the Board present to have a Quorum in the event of a vote.   mms to accept reorg structure.

Several resignations of Board members were announced & new members voted on:

New Board:

Executive Director – Bob Hollis

Asst Executive Director – Open

Creative Director – Liz Dubois

Director of Finance – Laura Giorgianni

Director of Public Relations – Eric Dubois

Director of Facilities – Steve Carter

Director of Membership – Zach Farnum

Director of Communication – Kaila Rubin

Assistant Creative Director of Productions- Chris Brostrup-Jensen

Asst Creative Director of Events – Laurie Murphy

Asst Creative Director of Education – Andy Affleck

Director at Large – Art Robillard

Director at Large – Melodie Fontenault

Congratulations to the new Board members.  Janice Dionne has volunteered to be the Corresponding Secretary.

Facility Report –

Paine School – don’t know if we’ll go back or not

Coventry Senior Center – they mostly want us which is nice

Route 6 – stalled.  Bob needs more $

Chopmist Hill – looking into it.

Things Made Wonderful – ?

2011-12 Season

Summer 2011

Mr. Toad will take place at Coventry Senior Center with 2 casts.  Performances on Aug. 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21st.

Fall 2011

Dinner Theater;  Frankenstein Slept Here Sept. 24 & 25

Romeo & Juliet Nov. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, & 20

Get Merry!  The Royal Wedding. Dec. 8, 9, 10, & 11

Winter 2011

Dinner Theater; Mark Twain Feb. 11, 12

Spring 2012

The Canterbury Tales Late April, early May?

Dinner Theater; Knock ’em Dead June?

Zach Farnum would like to do a Patsy Cline Dinner Theater before he goes to college & would prefer a June slot.  Because this is a musical, it could be costly for the rights.

Season Sponsorships & Sales

Need to ID Corporations, Businesses, Individuals.  Need to Solicit donations/support.  Team includes Marilyn Wilbur, Gary Pickard,  Judy & Stacey Swift, but more people are needed.

Box Office System

Need a phone system that isn’t Bob & Carol’s home.  SMCT needs a volunteer to Coordinate this, & a system that can be individualized for different events needs to be chosen & set-up.  SOON.  Can be a different individual who takes on the Box Office duties for each activity, but an overall Coordinator needs to track things.

Recruitment & Participation

Need Asst Exec Director

Need Box Office Coordinator & Reps for each Production

Need Sales & Cooperate Sponsorship Coordinator & Team members

Need Fund-raising Coordinator & Team (6 or more people)


Need Events/Entertainment Team

Need Store & Merchandising Manager

Need Newsletter/Brochure Editor

Minutes from 3-5-2011

SMCT Board Meeting Minutes   March 5, 2011

Eddy Building

Present:  Cassi & Russ Ducharme, Artie Robillard, Bob Hollis, Carol Mauro, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Kaila Rubin

Laurie Murphy has resigned as the Creative Director but will still be the Youth  Representative Mentor.  The Board is able to appoint someone to fill the position through the annual Membership meeting or end of term.  Cassi D. has expressed interest & is ready to move into this position.  Board voted to appoint Cassi until annual
meeting when a general vote can be taken.
Liz DuBois has been acting as the assistant Creative Director & will continue in this role.   Cassi will coordinate efforts with Liz & work to create an organized structure for mentoring the position.  Cassi already has ideas for the position.

Rehearsal space –

All use of the Paine school is closed for 6 months (through Sept.).

– We asked for a waiver from payments to use their space, but haven’t heard back.  A room for rehearsal is $40/night,
Stage to rehearse is $100/night, & stage for performances is $200/night.

RI – Former Middle school located on Flat River Rd in Western Coventry is available almost anytime.  No charge or limited charge is expected, but not yet confirmed (Bob H. to meet with Town Official).  Has stadium seating & might even be available for a long-term lease.   Have to have a 10 year lease on a space to get specific grant money for site work.  Show is scheduled for the end of April & rehearsals could start there in April.  Currently using Woody Lowden on Tues from 7:30 – 10 PM for choreography rehearsals as Audra Hebert comes down from Putnam.  Use North Foster Baptist Church on Thursday & collect money for use of space each rehearsal.  We should offer free tickets to Social Services in Coventry, perhaps in lieu of payments for the space.  There may be some people who will not be able to make the move to this new location.
Voted to use Coventry space for Footloose & see how things go.  Will need to revisit for other performances.  Could Mr. Toad be done totally on the Foster Fairgrounds?
Perhaps rent a tent?  Would need to rent portable toilets & may need to have someone sleep there each night that the set is on site.  Potential for fire hazard?  Chris will talk to Brian.

*Info above has changed since the actual meeting & costs for the old Middle school prevented the move.
Now plan to use the Coventry Senior Center,            50 Woods St., Coventry, RI  for Footloose!

Structure Meeting- Cassi D. chaired the meeting on 2/19.  *Minutes of this meeting are attached separately.  Some important considerations include getting the contact info. on the Website so people know who to get in touch with when they have an interest or concern to express.  Should assign email addresses that will follow the individual assigned to the position, such as
email hidden; JavaScript is required .  Should clarify who does what as part of each position (president runs the meetings, for instance) & what should be covered in each meeting.  Example given of Footloose production meetings to discuss details of the individual show vs. Board level discussion when there is an issue with a show or shows that is more general.   A specific discussion of Organizational Structure will be scheduled for another time.
Email Cassi with any ideas or interest you have.  email hidden; JavaScript is required

Full Season Playbill – Carol M, Mary Jo & Dennis Chretien are currently involved with this.  They are experimenting with what would work & a proto-type setting for Footloose is expected.  Official start would not be until the Summer play.  There is a meeting planned in mid-May (after Footloose is over) to get all the details worked out & Artie R. is asked to be involved.   Chris B-J
hopes to be out of the country through most of May.  Bob will work on getting this together & setting a date for the meeting.

Grant Writing –  Several under way.  Should hear in May from the Scituate Arts Festival, expect to receive $1000 from CAST, RISCA has a 4/1 & a 10/1 deadline,  others are on-going.

Personnel Issues – There needs to be a Policy on complaints against individuals & how we will handle these situations.  People don’t always get along or respect boundaries.
Do we handle it at a member-level or Board-level?  Bob is working on a current issue & will report the results at the next meeting.
Box Office –  Looking at shared lines & different services (Line2 vs. Google Voice) & costs from free to $15/month).  For Footloose, no change will be made.  Trying  to work on something that is available wherever we’re located & doesn’t rely on one person to monitor it.  May be good to have someone on-call on Production nights.  L2 is an iPhone application & Google Voice is on Internet.
If we buy one cell phone it may not solve the general issue.  The Box Office should travel with the event.  Can we use the Website until we have a specific phone number?  What is the Universality of either service?  Landline available at many sites, but what is our access?

SMCT Fiscal year starts June 1st each year & the Summer Children’s production is generally the start of the season.  Would like to offer Publicity  packages such as an annual fee to advertise in our Playbill & maybe sell Season tickets.      *We want as many people as possible to attend the annual meeting in June.  What day of the week is better?  An evening after work or a weekend during the

Should we place a monthly ad in the Foster Home Journal with a blurb about visiting the website for up to date info, or promoting upcoming events?
Articles are free, but not everyone reads them.  Ads cost about $50/month, but this would come out of the Admin budget, not the specific event budget.   Ads must be into FHJ by the 19th of the

Reminder to get any info for Publicity written up as completely as possible & sent to Artie for publication, Eric or Andy for the Website, Cassi for Facebook
& Kaila for email.

School is expected to go until June 24th due to many snow days.  Artie needs Brian to get him the dates for the Mr. Toad auditions.

Events meeting scheduled for March 13 @ 3 PM at Mary Jo’s house.  Topics will include the Golf Tournament, Calendar Raffle, Karaoke, Follies, Dinner Theater & any other suggestions.
Creative Director meeting is scheduled on March 14 @ 7PM @ Trinity Church in Scituate.  Cassi will review current productions & check  their status towards completion: Footloose & Mr. Toad are good.  Dinner Theater (Dr. Horrible) for Sept. 24/25?  Romeo & Juliet for the fall 2011 production.  Still want to try & get rights & a time for Christmas Story & Jesus Christ Superstar

Need someone to run the Box Office & Website Store.

Next Meeting is for Officers on April 11th @ 7 PM at Bob & Carol’s house.