National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

Calling all Wannabe Writers! The time to dream of one day writing the great American novel is over! The time to actually write one is here! Every November, thousands of crazy people take the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge and write a 50,000 word novel in just 30 days! This year, Swamp Meadow’s Andy Affleck (a 3 time participant) is a municipal liaison for NaNoWriMo and is organizing a Foster/Swamp Meadow writing group. Joining is free and it is amazing how it unlocks creativity and just how crazy fun it is. Group write-ins are organized and cool stickers and other fun swag is handed out. For information, talk to Andy (email hidden; JavaScript is required) or sign up at and then get ready for November 1 (just after Dracula opens!) when we get started!